The 'RAW' undedited Blog of HarlemLIVE.. For the staff , participants and friends of HarlemLIVE to check the daily happenings in the Newsroom.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Run Down
There is no INTERNETS at HL OMG!!! How can I talk to my BFF Jill. I didn't feel 100% this week. I feel a lot better and I'm ready to face what ever comes next. I created a flyer for Cynthia for "Global Correspondents." You are all welcome to see it
HL Apps Update:
*Veiw list has been updated and problems with veiwing videos has been corrected.
*Doing some major changes to the way the video library Veiws the content. Logs can still be put in while I update the system.
*Adding names and video number on front page of 'Add videos.'