Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So I'm back...

I'm back from being sick for the past week and a half. My asthma is very bad. When I have an attack, I am prohibited from going to school and I must stay home until I get better. So now I'm better now and I couldn't be happier. I missed school so much. I missed all my friends and working as well. Although, I'm finished the blog story, Chris is still working on airing his story on the blog and Ms. Sakariasen.

I can't wait. This is what I've been waiting for. I hope she doesn't think this is over because it isn't. For the mean time, I'm working on a story about the Puerto Rican birth certificates. It's a great story. It's informative and it affects alot of people. Back to work, I plan on calling the people at the Puerto Rican federal Affairs tomorrow. It's after business hours so that's no good.
