Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Colors and Ideas

some of the visuals are changing around Harlem Live, so I did a little research on color and what it means to people. Also the psychological impact of colors.

RED invokes feelings of love, passion, danger, warning, excitement, food, impulse, action, adventure.

BLUE can invoke feelings of trustworthiness, success, seriousness, calmness, power, professionalism.

GREEN can invoke feelings of money, nature, animals, health, healing, life, harmony.

ORANGE can invoke feelings of comfort, creativity, celebration, fun, youth, affordability.

PURPLE can invoke feelings of royalty, justice, ambiguity, uncertainty, luxury, fantasy, dreams.

WHITE can invoke feelings of innocence, purity, cleanliness, simplicity.

YELLOW can invoke feelings of curiosity, playfulness, cheerfulness, amusement.

PINK can invoke feelings of softness, sweetness, innocence, youthfulness, tenderness.

BROWN can invoke feelings of earth, nature, tribal, primitive, simplicity.

GREY can invoke feelings of neutrality, indifference, reserved.

BLACK can invoke feelings of seriousness, darkness, mystery, secrecy.

I fond a website that explains color really well in a cool animation. If you have 5min go take a look.Click Here when you pass the intro click on the middle door "the movies." Back to the idea, I took the flower part of the logo.

Also after the meeting on Tuesday I looked at the logo in a different light. The vote was on the flower-like logo. I like the idea of just having a symbol.

I took the flower-like symbol flipped it, made it more flower-like and finaly put "hl" into it.

I did a little poster. Not really a diverse group of young people but, stock photos cost money.

I did a shirt too I could not help myself.

Just my ideas on things. I was really impressed by what colors can do to people. So go check out color sites.