Monday, March 22, 2010

AM Back!!!

am finally back.!!! i am super excited to finally be back to HL. Its been 2 months since the last time i was here. I came really excited expecting to see Selli, because i had a LONG time without seeing her, but unfortunately she was not here, but christian was here, and i was very excited to see him. Things at HL have changed a lot since i was last here. Everything now is very organized and i see that now everybody have a story to work on. Also Jason is not here, and there is a girl named Aisha who is now here helping the students.I am very excited because now am going to be doing office worked, and i soooo love paper work!!! so am excited to see how that goes.

Now am trying to get my life back together, because i did horrible last marking period in school. I had a 46.21%, which is terrible, because i was used to seeing 85 and above average on my report card. Now am doing soooo much better because i started to go to my 1st period class, and am not missing any of my classes, and i started to come to HL again, which is GREAT!!!