I just got in from my third day at Columbia's summer law institute. It's brilliant but it's hard work at the same time. The mornings usually start with a guest speaker, today's speaker being a defense attorney who's most recent work has been representing detainees at Guantanamo bay. His talk was kind of intense but incredibly interesting. The morning session is to do with "Criminal Justice theory and practice" with Mr Deets, then after lunch we delve further into the "Criminal Trails" aspect of the law with Mr Zarkovsky. Our coordinators are both law students at Columbia Law School. On Tuesday's we do workshops with Miss Mayani the intern, yesterdays was all about study skills. We'll be going on trips most Friday's, one of which will be to the United Nations HQ. I'm hoping to get into their college bound program which is great for getting scholarships and keeping your grades up in High School.
When I got in none of the summer students were here but they will be next week so I'm really looking forward to meeting them. I'm kind of mad that I won't be here more often in the first four weeks of summer but I'll try my best to earn tons of points for my team when I am here.
15 years ago