Sunday, July 20, 2008


After traveling and working away from home for several weeks, it was nice to come back to NYC and Harlem Live. I enjoyed seeing a few familiar faces and meeting all the new summer students. It was a warm welcome after hosteling in California. (Maybe I'll share some stories at the memoir workshop on Monday. Preview: I may just be too old for bunk beds.)

I think the Microsoft Word workshop went pretty well. I know the first part usually isn't new for most students, so thanks to everyone for being patient as we worked through it. I always wonder if I should put in those things, but if someone doesn't know, it can be really hard to delve right into the harder stuff. I appreciate all the feedback. I think next time I'll go a bit faster at the beginning and maybe add a few more complex tools at the end--like using the Readability Statistics and working with documents side-by-side.

See you on Monday. Be ready to write!
