When i 1st came to Harlem Live, i wasnt really sure of what i was getting into, i didnt realli know what the program is, and what thery did there! But since ive been there, for the past week ive realli gotten the chance to understand what happens in the program and how everything gets done. When i came and was told what happens in Harlem Live, i thought i wanted to jus focus on journalism, but was i continued to look into what goes on, i changed and wanted to focus on video. i thought it would be fun to learn bew things and find new ways of getting out the things that is going on in my community out to the people. Throughout this week, i've met many new people my age, and older than me that are realli cool, so hopefully we will be able to learn from each other! Im realli excitied to continue working at Harlem Live, and learn more new things in journalism and about my self!
15 years ago