Thursday, July 3, 2008


Resourcefulness, one of the main aspects of being a journalist. For the past two days we've been on a "scavenger hunt". i believe this is all just an elaborate test in which to separate the worthy from those who need to be disciplined. Those who are right for the job will do the minimal amount of complaints and get the job done. Then those who complain and do nothing will unanimously get ruled out. In an awkward way is just a test using survival of the fittest as its ultimatum. My team has gone far and wide, (i mean that in all senses of the term) a have pushed ourselves to the limit and beyond. We have gotten thus far through teamwork and co-operation, and i feel we have proven more than worthy to stay an be a part of this "family".

Aside from the horrible and excruciating leg pain, today was fun. I got to see sight in Manhattan that I have never seen before. We ended up walking most of the time even thought we had extra train passes ( i have the corns to prove it). On a serious note I feel my team went through a lot of ups and downs, but we got above it all and acted like a teams and as a family. I have grown pretty fond of everyone at Harlem live in the past three days and even more fond of my team members.

My team has gone from one end of Manhattan the the next in order to persevere and prove our worth. i have even lost some weight in doing so, ( amazing how i lost weight when i need to gain it). We may not have gotten everything on the list but i believe w have gtten the moral to this whole fiasco, teamwork can get you far and it only works when you have the whole team working and one operating unit. I feel i am ready to go to the next level ( feels like im on survivor).