Yesterday, June 1, 2008 I was a little afraid because I didn't know what to expect, with it being my first day at Harlem Live and all. They made us play some weird and crazy but fun icebreaker games so that we can all get to know each other a little bit better. Some games that we played at the beginning were mostly the same games so that we could get to know
everyone's name. After those first couple of games things got sort of weird after we got to
Morningside Park. The weirdest games of them all was when they blind folded us, whispered an animal in our ears and then spread us around the field. We all had to make the sound of the animal that we was and then find the rest of our animal family. The first time we played it was kind of weird but fun. I especially liked the first time because i was the lion, King of the Jungle. I roared my way to my family of lions and we all find each other pretty well. Then the second time we played I was an angry cow who took ten years to finally meet up with my family. All the other animal noises seem to be much louder and out there more than my moo and my other family of cows moo. Well one thing for sure it was kind of fun in a weird and creepy way. If I was a
pedestrian witnessing these events I would of thought we were all crazy.