Wednesday, July 16, 2008

John McKay Public Speaking 7/15/08

Mr. McKay had some very powerful advice on public speaking and his advice will help us out a lot on our presentations. With public speaking we make the rules, we set the tone and we make people listen to us if we have something very important to say. In P.S. we must keep the audience engaged and keep them awake; ask the audience questions, make them laugh if you want, just make sure they are tuned in to the person that's speaking.
With visuals, make sure your visuals don't take over your presentation. Make your visuals guidelines to what you want the audience to know. Your notes can't be written out word for word, you'll tend to read out your notes than to improvise. Improvising is a good way to keep your audience engaged in your presentation.
~1st Amendment~ ~Chocolat3 Kiss~