Thursday, July 17, 2008

Public Speaking Class Wednesday Afternoon

We had a great class Wednesday afternoon, attended by:  Asia, Chanellya, Courtney, Eric, Fatima, Jennifer, Nana, Rosa, Savasia, Sherwin, and Teonica.  There was a lot of energy in the room (maybe a little too much at times, but we had fun).  We discussed engaging the audience, keeping their attention, using voice tone and volume to keep attention focused, setting the tone for your speech, using illustrative visuals and other aids appropriately, and not letting PowerPoint steal your audience -- use it wisely and sparingly!  Remember to pick interesting visuals to accentuate what you are talking about, but in a way that does not require you to turn your back on your audience.  Don't talk to the board--talk to your audience!  We did some demonstrations where class members got up in front of the group and gave a presentation on a random topic.  Everyone did very well, and the comments from classmates were quite helpful.  Good luck Friday!