Thursday, July 3, 2008

So Not A Scavenger

So I have a headache..a very very bad headache. A headache that is making it impossible for me to even think. Why do I have a headache you ask? Well when you spend, oh say, six hours running around the city finding menu's and business cards not to mention waterfalls that are barely visible from the Brooklyn Bridge, you'd have a headache as well. So yea, that's how my day went. I'm oh so tired. Tired like i could totally fall asleep standing. With my eyes open. SLEEPING while STANDING with MY EYES OPEN!!!!

But all in all, despite being completely worn out and the migraine (yes my headache has expanded into a migraine), I had fun. Mike and Stephen and their tireless "live nude men" antics made this whole process more bearable. Columbia University is really nice with all the pretty buildings and nice smelling green grass. Yea...that was definitely one of the high points of my day. And I really like TekServe and their ten cent vintage Coke bottles and all the old Apple stuff. The boat basin was know like walking along the river even though we weren't allowed to go onto the docks.

I have to say though, I have never been more repulsed in my life than today on 9th Ave. We're walking by this train station and there is this perfectly normal looking guy rubbing newspapers up his shorts. It takes us about two seconds to realize that he has not only pooped on himself, but that he is blatantly cleaning himself up in public. Where everyone can see. Who does that? It's bad enough that you are a grown man unable to control your bowel movements, but you're letting all of New York see it. One word; GROSS!!!

I was so psyched to go on this scavenger hunt yesterday but I have come to the sad conclusion that I am not, I repeat, NOT a scavenger. I mean I love the city and all but, no. Not for me. But I did enjoy myself and that's important, you know having fun. I know that sounds like a cliche but it's true; at least to me anyway.

Really liking HL and let me just say, Coco makes a mean PB&J.

Lol...over and out