Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Honor roll girl... yay me!!

OMG iam soo happy because today I saw my name in the Honor roll wall for Journalism. I was so happy because i saw it in the "90 and above" list. Iam also happy because iam going to the Amateur night at the apollo today!!. Today a man named Alex that i dont know nothing about called me down to talk to me about a college program and i was very confuse because i am a sophomore and i thought it was too early to think about college but i guess is not that early. I was also very mad because my 6th period teacher didnt let me go and when i went down to the office on 7th period Alex was GONE and i have to go back on monday!! Well i guess i have to wait.

Bye poeple..Nos vemos..nos chekiamos.