Monday, June 16, 2008

Last Day at that lousy school

I was so glad that today was the last day of school. I will miss some segments of high school life but not the rest. I could not believe the fact that someone stole my umbrella today at school. I paid $10 for that umbrella. That's is one the reasons that I am glad I'm done with that school because people steal to much. I have had dictionaries, a graphing calculator, a texas instrument, gym clothes, pens & pencils, and numerous other things stolen from me while I attended that school. Also people are constantly setting fires in that building. Someone had set a fire on the first floor today. It was probably a student or staff member. Moreover, the people are bummy and stupid. There is only a small percentage of students that graced the halls of that building that I would consider smart. I will be graduating on the 25th. Thanks to the superior powers.