Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blog Keeps getting Better. Site NEEDs Work.

The blog keeps getting better keep the posts coming! We'd like the adult volunteers to post as well!

WE made our switch to the new site but recognized some glitches with some of the file formats so may have to revert back to the old site for another week. We have a strong and dedicated team who have their work cut out to get all or much of the stories moved to the new site.

We had a brief scare with the tape decks but just turned out to be a networking issue and is now resolved. The iMacs are now ready for editing in the video room.

There are a lot of changes coming and that will be announced next week at the all student staff meeting. There will be formation of reporting teams and point system attached to the content created.

Get ready for a great April, May, and June as HL heads towards its 13th year.