Thursday, March 27, 2008

How Can I Support You?

I don't think one American can honestly and confidently say what is our true reason for beginning the war in Iraq. For all what has been told, we could be fighting for the removal of weapons of mass destruction, oil, removal of Saddam Hussein from power, etc. But could any of these reasons justify the killing of our people, the killing of human life in general. In a democratic republic we have the ability to voice our opinions and make a difference for what the majority may think is better. But as clear as many of Americans have opinionated about their feelings towards the war, we continue to fight and people continue to die.

In my opinion, I do not believe it is necessary for us to be in war. I do not think there is no possible and justified reason for the right of people to kill people. I believe though as a world power we should take an active role in the global community but I do not believe we should barge our way into another country an boss people around.

Since the beginning of our history, our early presidents promoted the idea of neutrality but as the years went on we have lost our foundation of what made our country unique and true and came up with a mutant US. Our freedom is restricted, our economy is regulated despite laissez faire, we choose sides amongst countries, etc. Though presently Americans do benefit from our new policies, does it really protect us? Protesters are arrested for the out spoken opinions but should that stop us from voicing our opinion.

In Iraq, soldiers are not the only ones dying. Insurgents, men, women, children, the spirit and history of Iraq. A life could not be measured by a number or a percentage. Yet we refer to these people as just a number or like a bug and it doesn't matter that they died. But as soon as a soldier died we hold up our hands and scream for their lives. We honor them with the same bullets that have killed them. We fight and fight to remember their lives and make sure they are not forgotten. But who will cry and fight for those stricken by war? They didn't ask for war, we inflicted it.

Why not give peace a chance? Lives are not lost by peace. War kills. Peace saves.