Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Dear former governor & Present ,

First and foremost why ? To our former governor 80,000 all that money in over four years . I ma let you in on a little secret theirs couples counseling . I suggest that when your having marital bumps along the road to work it out. Hey a great poster child for making it work are Bill , David an average American citizens . A thought you have three young daughters , when kind of picture do you want to portray . Whoops it's was already painted I hope that as you steeped down hypocrisy hit you hard. Another question why couldn't I have gotten the money for being me ? If I did you know some of it will go to charity . Then the rest will be invested into profitable venues . To our recent governor thanks for being honest at first hand it's appreciated . Even though it would have been wiser both you and your partner to stay together without cheating on one another.