Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey What's Up!!!!

Hey I'm back in the NYC, and Im enjoying it. The weather is absolutely amazing down in Florida, O I saw Selly down in  Sea World Orlando. I loved it but i loved the pool more.  
O i finished my artical on the LGBT community. It should be posted in a few day but here is a little preview "I Christian Francis, I’m blackspaninezican (Black, Spanish, Native American,) and on top of being the United Nations I’m a bisexual man. I am an eighteen-year-old senior in High School. I have interviewed young adults and their many different views. I feel that many people don’t take the time, to truly see the LGBT youth or take the time to see that any youth in a community should all be treated with quall care, and concern. We gay youth are here and where tiered of having to prove it. We love like you love, and we bleed the same color you bleed. To be in a world where there are thousands of different ethnicities, but people in these communities forget that there is only one race (HUMAN). As one race where all one peoples; colors, shapes, sexuality and ect. I love all people, and that should be the common feeling amongst us as a people. If more communities stressed that view of tolerance maybe the world, community-by-community will become a better place. Maybe love is in the air; maybe hope is on the horizon? I’m the ultimate optimist. Maybe others can start heading in that direction or not, but I feel you will be the better for it." hope you love it.