Wednesday, December 10, 2008

weird vision

Last night, I had the weirdest vision. It wasn't a dream, because I know I was awake. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. All of a sudden, I see myself walking home and I get hit by a car. It was really scary, there was no sound, and it was zoomed out, so I couldn't see my face, but once the car passed by, I saw myself laying on the street, bleeding. That image froze in my head; I could feel me, my real self crying, but the image was still in my head. I finally got ahold of myself and opened my eyes. I felt this sudden darkness loom over me, and I started to cry.  It wasn't  because I was afraid of the dream, or death itself, it was fear of dying too soon. For a sudden, i realized how little i've done, and that I'm grateful for the people I love, but I'm afraid that I will run out of time, and never accomplish what I hope in life. I am afraid of the future, I'll admit it. I keeps me motivated, but it scares me to know one small thing can change your life forever. i try to remind myself that I still have time, that I'm young and not to worry about tomorrow, to take it one day at a time. But I can't help but hear that tiny voice in my head that time is precious, and it's running out.