Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tammy Ram is here. well I'm glad to see everyone had a productive friday. ^_^. I'm gonna start writing my story about Obesity. I got mad soaked yesterday. It was crazy. Ugh. My umbrella was already broken because the velcro snap got ripped off. My mom would put it in the corner so some of the things would bend back. Then when I got in school and went through scanning, mad peoples' stuff was on top of the umbrella, so when I went to open it It fell into pieces. I had to throw that away. So I had to walk to the train mad wet, and cold. Luckily on my way home I got an umbrella for $5 and my new chain belt. =). My skull ring got broken =(. I need some Krazy glue to fix it back. Rich just came back. His hair is different. Anyways. Later.
-Tammy Ram is over and out.