Thursday, April 2, 2009


Lol today was mad good. It's pretty outside and I got Paid!!!!Woo!! Lmao. I'm not staying for long tomorrow. Only until like 5, I'm gonna enjoy my Friday and buy stuff ^_^. I had like mad dudes looking at me today, I know I look cute Lol. I know that doesn't sound like me. I want to go out on a story. It feels mad good outside. I almost lost my studded bracelet today. I left it in that nasty ass girls bathroom, excuse my language. I don't feel like myself at all. I'm not even sleepy. That's a first, I know. I'm like OD happy for no reason. I guess because It's nice outside. I was looking up stories yesterday, so I'm gonna continue doing that. Peter made corrections to my memoir. He said it was really good ^_^. I just added some thingies to it and I like it better with the stuff added. Me and my two friends was having issues. I take the side of my good friend, but only because she was justified in doing what she did. Anyway. People be bugging like lol especially yesterday. My dad played a funny trick yesterday. I was calling my house to let them know I was on my way. Then My dad picked u and he sounded exactly like the chinese food lady. I was mad scared and I thought I dialed the wrong number. I was about to hang up and he started laughing. That was funny I have to admit. Then I played a trick on my sister. She's scared of paranormal stuff, like Tv's turning on by themselves. So me, my brother, and my sister were in my room, then We were all chilling, then I said, out of nowhere, "oh my god, how did the tv just turn on!!" My sister got mad scared and I said "April fools" and she was laughing for like 5 mins. That was too good. Well thats all I have to say, so later. 
-Tammy Ram is over & out.