Thursday, April 23, 2009

"I like your ditzy"

That is what my dad(step) said to me yesterday. We was talking about my cousin. I think the cancers on my family are mad slow(lmao). Im ditzy slow, my boy cousin is funny slow, and my girl cousin is common sense slow.  Don't worry guys I'm out of "Emo" mode lmfao. I got some of the obesity story done. I got the quotes from the tape. Now I'm going to type them up and start my story. This will count towards next month but what ever. The story is going to be very interesting. My memoir has all the finishing touches so it can be posted today. Yay. Things got better when I started writing my story yesterday. Im also glad its Friday tomorrow. I got my AP exam in exactly two weeks. *Sigh.* The weekend is gonna be so nice. I'm gonna be out side all day chilixin' =). Its gonna be amazing. That comment about me not wanting to be EIC, was out of annoyance. I want to go out on a story. I want to write another story. I'm thinking about working on the texting and Im'ing story because I really want to work on another thing and get the site updated. What I heard from my mom yesterday. All the pollution, killing all the fishies and turtles. Whales getting breast cancer. Breast cancer! The garbage that was in the ocean was like a pool or something it it was the size of texas. It was also 90 feet deep. If you want to know more, there was a recent show of Oprah talking about it, or if you don't wanna watch it, google it. Later. 
-Tammy Ram is over and out.