Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello people

My weekend was GREAT! I was outside all weekend. I went to the movies on saturday to see Obsessed, which was really good. I walked lie a mile that day , without dehydration. On sunday I got soaked at the park by little kids. Monday I had to get my non-drivers I.D and the lady complimented me. She said Im really photogenic, and the pic came out really pretty. That made me happy. It is burning in my house. Its hotter inside then it is inside. My little brother and sister broke the A.C in the living room, my moms ac is old, and my fan is old and dusty so yeah. I want to see how much this college is giving me with this financial aid. I have to make the deposit by friday. *Sigh* My AP exam is next thursday, Im so nervous. Ugh. After the AP exam and all this college stuff goes calms down, Ill be in extra chill mode. woo. Anyway let me get back to posting blogs and writing my story later.