Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Crazy day

OMG today started out good. i went to school had fun we did nothing allllllll day and just hang out it being the last day before SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!! (yay) so we get out early around 2, its my homie  Alisia aka Trina Jr birthday so we had a little party for her in school.My friend Michelle and i had to take the trian together. we walked to the 7 train and got stop by the police not even the NYPD the TRANSIT DEPARTMENT police like ugh i was so upset. the officer was so rude because he felt i was giving him a attitude (even through i was because i was in a rush & i don't like THE NYPD). he called my name in to check if i had any priors as they call it. so he let me go with a $130 ticket that made me mad and he way he said it "its only $130" like i don't have better things to do with $130 but i will be OK because i don't have to pay it yay 

Now I'm at work Day 2 at Harlem Live